Best Ways To Communicate During A Counselling Session

Best Ways  To Communicate During  Counselling session. In this article you will learn how to communicate during a counselling session.

Do you know that communication is not only done verbally? Well, now you know. In any interview, communication is key to be able to get adequate information. An interview has lost its power if it does not possess good communication skills. In this article, I am going to show you the best ways on how to communicate during a counselling interview.

How do I communicate during a counselling interview?

  1. welcome you client properly
  2. questioning skill
  3. make sure you are focused on the client
  4. keep eye contact with your client
  5. focus on the client’s nonverbal attitudes
  6. clarify what has been said
  7. structure your counselling session
  8. show empathy

Best Ways On How To Communicate During A Counselling Interview


One of the best ways to communicate during a counselling interview is by welcoming your client properly. This way, your client would be able to feel relaxed and trust you to give out personal relationship. The way the communication or counselling relationship would go is dependent on how you welcome your client.


The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is using questioning skill. Questioning skill is the most important skill a counselor should have to be able to get information from his client. A counselor should be able to ask both direct and indirect questions to avoid lies from the client. You can choose to either use structured questions or unstructured questions.

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The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is making sure you are focused on the client. Staying focused on your client would determine how effective your interview would be. You do not need to talk when the client is talking. You can nod your head to show that you are still focused on what your client is saying. That way, you would be able to get more information from your client.


The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is by keeping eye contact with your client. When you maintain eye contact with your client, it would be difficult for your client to tell a lie.


The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is by focusing on the client’s nonverbal attitudes. There are verbal and nonverbal attitudes. Verbal are those that are communicated with voice while non verbal is made with gestures. As a counselor, you should be able to read a client through both verbal and nonverbal attitudes. Generally, non-verbal attitude give more information about the way the client is feeling more than verbal. Nonverbal attitudes do not lie, if the counselor understands it, the better the counselling session goes.


The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is clarifying what has been said. During a counselling interview, the client would tell you a lot of things, some might be true, some exaggerated, some might be false. You need to clarify from the client to be able to discern. Also, you do not need to assume anything. Instead, clarify from the client before coming to a conclusion.


The next tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is by structuring your counselling session. A structured counselling session is one that has been planned previously and all activities that should take place are put into place.

One of the advantages of structuring your counselling session is you cannot go overboard to ask questions except questions that have previously been included.

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The last tip we have on our list on how to communicate properly during a counselling interview is by showing empathy. When we talk about empathy, we mean putting yourself in the shoe of your client, feel the way he or she is feeling, this would help assure the client that he or she is safe. You need to understand that empathy is not sympathy. While sympathy means feeling sorry for an individual, empathy means knowing how a person feels like and relating with them on the basis of that feeling.

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