Ways To Lose Weight Without Complicated Diet

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Do you wish to lose weight? Are you discouraged on complicated diet? Do you know that having complicated diet is not the only way to lose weight? I bet you are smiling already. In this article, I am going to show you how best you can lose weight without having to be on complicated diets

Losing weight can be really hard especially if you want to want to follow a diet. Some people fall out by the way while very few will be able to carry on till the end. Usually, to lose weight, you would need to create a deficit of calorie intake either by dieting or exercising. For instance, a person that wants to lose one pound per week would need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 a week.  Let’s now look at how to lose weight without following strict dieting.

How can I lose weight without following complicated diet?

  1. Make water your friend
  2. take short walks everyday
  3. clean your environment
  4. make sure you exercise every day
  5. eat more protein, less carbs
  6. include more green tea in your meals
  7. chew mint gum

The Way To Lose Weight Without Complicated Diet


One of the most effective ways to lose weight without having to follow a strict diet is make water your friend. It has been proven that water is super healthy and it helps cleans the body system. Many weight loss experts have said that drinking water first thing in the morning significantly helps in weight loss.

Sometimes, when we take enough water, we find out that we do not get unnecessarily hungry during the day.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is taking short walks every day. Staying idle will not help you burn off calories. In your spare time, take a walk, usually 10 – 30 minutes’ walk. It can help you burn off extra calories. To do this effectively however, you would need get a calories burner counter. If you have a smart phone, you can easily get it to be able to monitor your progress.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is cleaning your environment. having to do some chores daily can help you burn off some extra calories you must have taken. You can choose to do simple tasks such as cleaning your room, cooking or even doing the dishes.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is making sure that you exercise every day. One of the best and safest ways to lose weight is by doing exercises. In fact, experts have said that best results are achieved when exercising is paired with dieting. You can choose to register at a gym or just stick to home exercises which are great as well. You can do some skipping or jumping jacks. Just pick whichever works for you.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is eating more protein and less carbs. We know that carbs usually contain more calories than proteins. Also, foods with more protein gets you filled up faster without you getting hungry again within a short period. When eating, it is important that you go for more foods with more protein than food containing carb.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is including more green tea in meals. Over time, green tea has been proven to be very effective for weight loss as it removes excessive toxins from the body. It would also interest you to know that green tea does not contain any calorie.


The next tip we have on our list on how to lose weight without complicated diets is chewing mint gum. Many at times, we can feel like just eating when we are not hungry. If you are not a disciplined person, you might end up ruining your weight loss journey with impulsive eating. However, chewing gum can be a good way of keeping your mouth busying without adding extra calories to your body.

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